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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Resources and Tutorials' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος íɑʍ_Monkeץ, στις 27 Μαϊου 2015.

  1. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    What exactly is sub-frenzy?

    Sub-frenzy is a phenomenon that affects many new submissives. It’s that first rush of overwhelming, consuming desire to experience every kind of kink, as soon as possible, often to the point of neglecting all other concerns.

    Most of us have thought about submission long before we ever have the nerve to go looking for it, and when we do, it’s often like someone dropped a bomb in the middle of our world. You can become consumed by it. BDSM is all you can think about.

    Is there really a difference between sub-frenzy and simple enthusiasm?
    Yes, because the particular factors involved can be so intense that a submissive’s judgment and instinct for self-preservation can be impaired. You can be really enthusiastic about cooking, but the chances of physical injury from too much baking are pretty slim.

    Being enthusiastic and intensely interested is fine; it’s when you let that enthusiasm cloud your judgment that sub-frenzy becomes dangerous. In extreme cases, a submissive may risk not just health and safety, but their jobs and family.

    Submission involves some very powerful magic, both physically and emotionally. You need to proceed slowly as you learn about your own needs, your reactions, your tolerances and desires.

    What are the signs and symptoms of sub-frenzy?
    Basically, it’s when you’re going too fast and taking too many risks. You’re doing things that, a year from now, you will look back on and ask yourself, “What the fuck was I thinking?”
    playing too soon with someone you just met;
    playing too often (you don’t take time between plays to process mentally and emotionally, or to heal physically);
    engaging in types of play that you haven’t educated yourself about enough to know what’s safe, what’s not and or even if it’s something you really want to do;
    you agree to everything, with everybody;
    you don’t ask questions or make any demands of your own;
    you meet strangers in private, often without telling anyone where you’re going or who you will be with.

    Some prefer the term “candy store syndrome” because newbie submissives are like kids in a candy store. We want it all, and we want it all now, and we don’t care that we might rot our teeth, or end up with a stomachache, or in a sugar coma.

    Why do we believe this “frenzy” applies mostly to submissives? Don’t tops/dominants experience this kind of extreme enthusiasm that could impair their judgment?

    No one denies that new dominants/tops can experience their own challenges and lapses in judgment. But the level of “frenzy” is more acute for submissives, and the factors that cause it are different, for several reasons.

    1) Opportunity
    It is the submissive, not the top, who is flooded with interest and offers from the moment she first puts a profile online or ventures out to her first munch.

    Newbie submissives are often referred to as “fresh meat.” Some of the invitations are respectful and helpful, while others may be vulgar or downright insulting.

    New tops simply do not have the opportunities that a submissive does. Reality and limited opportunity puts the brakes on most tops. It's hard to fall prey to "frenzy" when you are struggling to find any play at all.

    2) Endorphins and altered states
    Endorphins are a group of morphine-like hormones secreted by the brain when the body is under unusual stress, such as during a “scene” or “play” involving a prolonged flogging or spanking. These hormones fit into the brain's opioid receptors and stimulate them to fire, producing tranquilizing and pain-killing properties that help induce a sort of euphoria. Marathon runners, for example, talk about the “runners’ high” that comes from pushing their bodies to extremes during competition.

    A submissive tends to experience profound altered states while most tops/dominants do not, because, obviously, the submissive is on the receiving end of extreme sensation while the dominant is only delivering it. The endorphin high in itself can be addictive and judgment-impairing.

    3) A submissive nature
    Submissives want to let someone else take control, and they want to please. While this is part of what makes a submissive so much fun, it also makes it very easy for them to feel like it’s not their place to question, or ask or demand. When you add in all the uncertainty of inexperience, it is very easy for a submissive to get in over her head.

    This is NOT to say that submissives are “naturally” victims! But the nature of their desires make it more likely that they can be manipulated, much more so than the top/dominant.

    Most new submissives (and even some more experienced ones) are still trying to get their heads around the idea that being submissive does not mean they are submissive to everybody.

    4) Level of physical risk
    We also call it “sub-frenzy” because the submissive/bottom is the one at a drastically more pronounced physical risk than the top. The submissive is the one being struck, stuck, slapped, poked, prodded, shocked, tied up, choked, beaten, dangled, hogtied, blindfolded and otherwise rendered helpless on the receiving end of possible physical harm.

    But that’s not to say that tops are not at some level of risk from sub-frenzy. This is another reason why it is imperative that dominants be aware of the phenomenon and watch out for it.

    How does sub-frenzy put a top/dominant at risk?
    A top who plays with someone in a frenzy state may find themselves dealing with a lot of misunderstandings that, even if they don’t result in a serious accident, can still result in tears and drama from an unhappy submissive who puts all the blame squarely on his shoulders. At worst, the top may find a policeman knocking on his door, or rumors circulating that he is not a “safe” player. At the very least, the dominant gets a ruined play that doesn’t satisfy anybody.

    It is a potentially damaging double standard that some submissives feel they can skip carefree from play to play and leave all the responsibility for safety and education to the top. That's just not true, and it's not fair, and it doesn't lead to better play for anybody.

    When both dominants and submissives are aware of sub-frenzy, hopefully it encourages both to communicate as honestly as possible and make better decisions.

    How do you deal with sub-frenzy?

    1) Gather knowledge.
    Just knowing that there’s a name for what you’re going through can be enormously helpful. It helps to know that you are not actually losing your mind, and that other people have been through it.

    Gathering as much knowledge on BDSM in general is also a good idea. The more you know about safety and terminology, the more you know the right questions to ask potential partners.

    2) Build a support system.
    Find other submissives, either real time or online; join discussion groups; attend munches. First, find friends and THEN find play partners.

    3) Play with friends.
    Find a trusted friend or “service” top who can take the edge off your intensity with friendly play to gain some of the experience you want and need. Or you can find local play parties where there are dungeon monitors and other people around to look out for you.

    4) Use “safe calls.”
    A safe call is a method where you check in with another person who knows where you are going, who you are meeting and when they should expect to hear from you again. If you don’t check in at the arranged time, or if you use a pre-arranged code phrase to indicate you are in some kind of distress or danger, your contact person calls for help. A safe call is NOT foolproof, but its better than no plan at all.

    5) Exercise.
    It’s true. You can get an endorphin “fix” from aerobics or kickboxing or whatever form of exercise you enjoy, or (let’s be honest!) any exercise that you can stand to do.

    6) Keep a journal.
    Write it out! Journaling will also be very useful in processing the emotions that go along with BDSM play.

    7) Follow the signs.
    Take a sheet of notebook paper, then get a magic marker and write, in great big letters, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. Tape it to your bathroom mirror.

    ( http://www.katekinsey.com/sub-frenzy.html )
  2. astarti

    astarti Love beyond Reason

    Με ποια κριτήρια ορίζεται η συχνότητα των sessions? Αφορα και σχέσεις D/s ή μόνο ανταλλαγή κυριων για μεμονωμένα sessions?
    Παντως, εγω θα εγραφα στον καθρέφτη του μπανιου, με κραγιόν, "χαλαρωσε μωρε λυσαρα".
    Και αν το ξεχνουσα και το έβλεπε κανείς....  
  3. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Υπάρχει διαφορά μεταξύ τον (υπό)-φρενίτιδα με τον απλό (υπό)-ενθουσιασμό;
    Το επίπεδο της «φρενίτιδας» είναι οξύτερο για τους υποτακτικούς;
  4. astarti

    astarti Love beyond Reason

    Για το πρώτο δεν μπορώ να δωσω απάντηση, γιατί δεν έχω καταλάβει πως προσδιοριζεται η φρενιτιδα, και πως ο ενθουσιασμός.. Δηλαδη αφορα συνεχη ανταλλαγή doms ή εμπειριων?ή και τα δύο ?και πως ορίζεται το συχνα?
    Για το δεύτερο θα απαντούσα οτι συνανταται περισσότερο στους υποτακτικους..και αυτό γιατί και το έχω συναντήσει εμπειρικα, και γιατί ανέκαθεν πιστευα οτι ουσιαστικά το "πανω χερι" σε ενα σεσσιον ή σχεση d/s κατα βάθος το εχει η υποτακτικη.. Αυτή ειναι ο ληπτης των ενεργειών.. Οπότε πιο λογικό μου φαίνεται να θέλει κάποιος να λαμβανει περισσότερο, παρα να δινει..